Eye Freckle And Eye Doctors Questions?

Dr. Kisling Uncategorized 35 Comments

So you have been told by your eye doctor there is a freckle in your eye. Should you be worried? It could be a number of things but the most likely are choroidal nevus (benign choroidal melanoma) or CHRPE (congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigmented epithelium). Both conditions are usually benign and not a serious problem. They both need to be monitored to make sure they are not malignant melanomas.

Hysterical Amblyopia

Dr. Kisling Common Eye Questions for Your Optometrist, Eye Diseases, Eye Symptoms, Fort Collins Eye Doctor, Fort Collins Optometrist, Vision Service Plan -VSP 3 Comments

Hysterical Amblyopia is a syndrome that is characterized by reduced visual acuity not caused by any type of eye disease. It is 4 times more prevalent in girls and shows a peak in incidence between the ages of 11 to 14. A number of symptoms cluster together, with vision changes noticed first at near distances when reading, often with a sudden onset.