Drink Coffee For Glaucoma

Dr. Kisling Eye Nutrition, glaucoma Leave a Comment

Drink Coffee For Glaucoma?

First it was a drink of Jo may be good for Dry Eyes. In the not too distant future your eye doctor may be prescribing a regular trip to Starbucks for your glaucoma. Who knows what we will learn in the future about this glamorous new pharmaceutical drug,Coffea Starbuckus

Will The Price of Coffee Skyrocket When It Becomes A Glaucoma Drug?

Only time will tell if “Big Coffee” will hike the price of a cup of coffee into the stratosphere.  A recent study by Cornell published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed the benefits of coffee in mice with glaucoma. Raw coffee contains 7 to 9 percent chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is a strong antioxidant that protects the retinal layer of the eyes in mice from free radical damage.  Next stop, a clinical trial at Starbucks. Any Volunteers? If you visit our optometrist office in Fort Collins we will even give a “free first treatment” of coffee!


Cup of Coffee (for glaucoma)

A Cup of Jo For Your Glaucoma



Holim Jang, Hong Ryul Ahn, Hyoung Jo, Kyung-A Kim, Eun Ha Lee, Ki Won Lee, Sang Hoon Jung, Chang Y. Lee. Chlorogenic Acid and Coffee Prevent Hypoxia-Induced Retinal Degeneration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014; 62 (1): 182 DOI: 10.1021/jf404285v


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