A nice bike ride is the North route to Wellington Colorado from Fort Collins. You will pass the array of radio antennas on the way. This is WWV which has the distinction of being the the oldest continuously operating radio station in the United States. Established in Greenbelt, Maryland in 1920 and moved North of Fort Collins in 1966. In conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology radio station WWVB it sends the time signal from the atomic clock in Boulder,Colorado that is used by millions of people in North America to provide the exact time for clocks, those fancy wristwatches and serious scientific applications.
As a historical note, Supreme Court Justice Byron White grew up in Wellington. President Kennedy nominated him to the Supreme Court on April 16, 1962.
As essential visit in the T Bar Inn which has been in Wellington,Colorado forever and a little more. The local diner and part time dance hall provides a great small town meal.
Make sure you your eye exam with us before taking the ride and check out our sports vision eyewear selection in your Fort Collins Eye Doctors Office!