Is It Legal To Wear Google Glasses When You Drive?
Don’t find out the hard way, you cannot wear Google Glasses while driving- you might even get a DWUIGG (Driving While Under The Influence of Google Glass). Well, not a charge quite yet but maybe in the future when everyone and their cat is wearing Google Glasses! Is it legal to wear google glasses when you drive?-Read on—
It Is Against The Law To Wear Google Glasses And Drive!
Is it legal to wear Google Glasses while you drive is the fundamental question in the trial for Cecilia Abadie, who is the first case of “Driving While Under The Influence of Google”. Her attorney is arguing that the Google Glasses were indeed being worn at the tim,e she was pulled over but were not on. The laws around San Diego state is is illegal to drive a vehicle with a TV or video monitor visible. That of course covers about half of all drivers on California Freeways (the other half are shaving, applying make-up, eating breakfast, or catching a few z’s on the way to work). It is against the law in every part of the country to drive while impaired, whether the causes is alcohol, drugs, fatigue, or distraction.
New Laws For Driving While Wearing Google Glasses?
Will this capitulate us into a new era of legislation? Will wearing Google Glasses (even if they are turned off) fall under an “open container” type law at some point? Due to the big old hunk of metal and optics on the upper right hand side of the eyeglasses frame, they present a problem even if they are turned off, especially if you need to see a fully loaded 100,000 pound Mac Truck in your right hand lane you want to pull into. Remember friends don’t let friends drive Googly!
There was the slight other problem, or as we say in healthcare “The Co-morbid Condition”. That would be the fact that she was doing 80 in a 65 mph zone. Putting aside the frivolity, it really is a danger from partially blocking peripheral vision and interfering with visual attending skills and putting other peoples lives at needless risk!
- UPDATE JAN 2014: Cecilia’s case was thrown out by the California court system