Many eye doctors office claim they provide specialty contact lenses or are contact lens experts. We know the frustration you feel when it turns out they are really only interested in simple cases they can shuffle in and out the door in a hurry.
Don’t call us if you have special contact lens challenges that you want solved in an hour. We don’t want to waste your time.
Please do call us if you want your contact lens problems solved and are willing to dedicate the time needed.
Specialty Contact Lenses We Provide Include:
- Kerataconus-This is an eye disease where the clear corneal tissue on the front of the eye thins develops a very steep curvature with an irregular curvature. A cone shaped protrusion forms on the cornea. Many different special contact lens designs are used to compensate for this shape including soft contact lenses, gas permeable lenses such as the Rose-K designs, hybrid lenses with soft lens material on the outer edges and RGP rigid gas permeable materials on the inside, piggyback lenses that combine a gas permeable lens on top of a soft lens, and scleral lenses that extend over the white tissues on the eye. Kerataconus contact lens fitting is still very much an art form with no exact science.
- Cosmetic Lenses For Eye Damaged by Trauma: The colored part of the eye, the iris may be mishaped from birth or by trauma leaving an oddly shaped pupil. Specialty Colored Contact Lenses can be used to restore a normal pupil appearance and cut down on glare and discomfort from a malformed pupil.
- CRT or Orthokeratology Contact Lenses: Gas permeable lenses can be used in some cases to reshape the corneal tissue on the front of the eye and reduce nearsightedness (myopia). This is often done by wearing a lens overnight so the eye is prescription free during the day.
- Large Amounts of Astigmatism: New advances in contact lens technology allow for large degrees of astigmatism to be corrected by contact lenses. Usually the comfort of soft contact lenses can be used in a disposable contact lens for health and comfort.
- Contact Lenses After LASIK Laser Eye Surgery: LASIK doesn’t always work and the eyes may be left with a very irregular surface. They may also be left with residual corrections and change with time. These issues can be solved with specialty contact lenses, when glasses may not provide a good correction due to irregularities in the astigmatism.
- Color Vision Defects: While contact lenses cannot restore normal color vision they can make it easier for some patients to discern differences.
- Nystagmus or Eye Tremors: In some cases, rigid contact lenses can supply feedback to the brain about these uncontrolled eye movements and help dampen the eye movements to some degree.
- Contact Lenses For 40+ Year Old Eyes Needing Bifocals: If your arms are getting too short too read, don’t despair-bifocal and mutlifocal lenses are available in many different designs in soft and gas permeable contact lenses. Expect to spend some time being fit.